Uno sguardo alla letteratura nubiana

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Tareq Salah Eldin - طارق صلاح الدين

Qui potrai goderti le poesie del brillante poeta Tareq Salah Eldin e altri artisti che cantano le sue poesie. Per le canzoni dell'artista Tareq Salah Eldin, le troverai qui.

Il rimpianto Tareq Salah Eldin del villaggio di Eniba è un magnifico poeta nubiano ed è celebrato da molti nubiani come padre della poesia, dell'arte nubiane contemporanea e della difesa delle aspirazioni nubiane al ritorno costituzionalmente concesso alle terre nubiane e alla prevenzione di ulteriori decimazione, dopo che gran parte della Nubia fu sommersa dal lago artificiale Nasser.

Dopo che lui e la sua famiglia furono spostati dal loro villaggio di origine annegato, che coincise con la morte di sua madre, suo fratello e sua sorella minore, il giovane Tareq raccolse quante più cassette possibile di canzoni nubiane e scrisse i testi. Lesse anche le poesie di molti poeti dei vecchi villaggi nubiani, ma poche furono cantate e la maggior parte andò perdute. Analizzando le rime, Tareq Salah Eldin iniziò a completarle e progressivamente scrisse le sue poesie, anche se in un nuovo modo non convenzionale e usando vecchie parole nubiane - che rischiavano l'estinzione dopo lo spostamento.

In cerca di lavoro, Tareq Salah Eldin è emigrato a Riyadh in Arabia Saudita. Ha inviato alcune cassette con le sue poesie e melodie ai suoi parenti e l'artista nubiano Eissa Tamim ha cantato la sua prima poesia - "Ghurba" (alienazione). Dopo essere finalmente tornato in Egitto, ha iniziato una collaborazione molto creativa e produttiva principalmente con i meravigliosi artisti Ghazi Said , Khidhir El-Attar, e Ahmed Ismail che cantano molte delle sue poesie, e Seid Ibrahim Qurty, il suo amico e ammiratore che canta e compone molte delle melodie che esaltano l'eccellenza delle sue poesie. Lo stesso Tareq Salah Eldin ha cantato le sue poesie durante gli incontri artistici, suonando Oud (luthe) e ha composto alcune delle melodie per le sue poesie.

Tareq Salah Eldin divenne famoso per le sue eccezionali poesie che incorporavano sentimenti profondi, descrizioni colorate e messaggi toccanti, il tutto incorporato in rime artistiche. Per la tristezza della comunità nubiana è morto nel 2016 alla giovane età di 56 anni, tuttavia la sua incredibile opera d'arte rimarrà indimenticabile e una torcia che guida gli artisti nubiani contemporanei e futuri, e riverbererà nei cuori, nelle anime e nelle canzoni dei più grandi cantanti nubiani per sempre.

رسالة الشاعر العملاق طارق صلاح الدين لابناء النوبه

Message of the wonderful Nubian Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin to the sons and mothers of Nubia - Poem and melody by Artist Tareq Salah Eldin, sung by Artist Ahmed Ismail

(انهض أيها العملاق النوبى ) شعر طارق صلاح الدين

Poem of the wonderful Nubian Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin "Get up, you great Nubians"

الشاعر النوبي طارق صلاح الدين

The wonderful Nubian Poet Tareq Salah Eldin recites his poem "Beauty of the World" to his delighted audience during an artistic gathering

(انهض أيها العملاق النوبى ) شعر طارق صلاح الدين

Poem of the wonderful Nubian Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin (Get up, you Nubian giant)

طارق صلاح الدين آج نامسينجا ( وصف فتاة)

The wonderful Nubian Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin recites and sings his poem "Aaj Namsenga" (describing a girl)

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين (اجريس مرى )

The wonderful Nubian poet Tareq Salah Eldin recites "Agris Meri", one of his poems

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين بقرية الجنينة والشباك

The Nubian poet Tariq Salah al-Din recites some of his poems in the village of El-Geneina and Al-Shbak

شعر نوبى ( نلنا نميسقا) الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين

Nubian Poetry "Nalana Namesanga" Nubian poet Tariq Salah al-Din

طارق صلاح الدين (الدعوة )

The great Nubian poet Tariq Salah al-Din recites his poem about the features of all Nubian villages - Voice of Nubia

الشاعرالنوبي طارق صلاح الدين

Nubian Poet Tariq Salah al-Din recites one of his poems

طارق صلاح الدين (الدعوة )

Nubian Poet Tariq Salah al-Din recites his poem "El Daawa" (the invitation)

جزء من لقاء الشاعر طارق صلاح الدين

Part of the meeting of the poet Tariq Salah al-Din

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء2

Interview with the great Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin by "Sawt El Nuba" (voice of Nubia) Part 2

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء1

Interview with the great Poet Tareq Salah Eldin, with Artist Ghazi Said singing his poems, by "Sawt El Nuba" (voice of Nubia) Part 1

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء3

Interview with the great Poet Tareq Salah Eldin, with Artist Ghazi Said singing his poems, by "Sawt El Nuba" (voice of Nubia) Part 3

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء4

Interview with the great Poet Tareq Salah Eldin by "Sawt El Nuba" (voice of Nubia) Part 4

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء5

Interview with the great Poet Tareq Salah Eldin by "Sawt El Nuba" (voice of Nubia) Part 5

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء6

Interview with the great Poet Tareq Salah Eldin by "Sawt El Nuba" (voice of Nubia) Part 6

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء7

Interview with the great Poet Tareq Salah Eldin, with Artist Ghazi Said singing his poems, by "Sawt El Nuba" (voice of Nubia) Part 7

طارق صلاح الدين (لو لم اكن نوبيا لجاهدت لاكون نوبيا )

The brilliant Poet Tariq Salah al-Din "If I were not a Nubia I would have struggled to be a Nubian"

حوار مع الشاعر طارق صلاح الدين ... في مدينة الرياض .. حاوره وقام بالتسجيل اوتاشو الحلفاوي

A dialogue with the great Poet Tariq Salah al-Din ... in the city of Riyadh ... Otaşo al-Halafawi interviewed and recorded him

كلمات الشاعر ابراهيم عبده القاء الشاعر طارق صلاح تسجيل اوتاشو حلفاوي

The great Poet Tariq Salah al-Din recites and explains a poem by Poet Ibrahim Abdo - recording by Otasho Halfawy

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين مذيع متألق

The Nubian poet Tariq Salah al-Din as a brilliant presenter - Voice of Nubia

الشاعر طارق صلاح جلسه فنيه من الخرج تسجيل اوتاشو حلفا

The brilliant Poet Tariq Salah set an artistic session from Al-Kharj - recording Otasho Halfa

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين رسالة لاخوتى فى النوبه

Artist and Poet Tareq Salah Eldin sings a message to the Nubian brothers - with lyrics in latin script and translation into Arabic - Voice of Nubia

صور خاصة اوتاشو 001

Artist and Poet Tareq Salah Eldin explains how he became interested in Nubian poetry - Interview by Otasho Halfa

جلسة فنية بجمعية الديوان

Nubian Artist Tareq Salah Aldin and the members of the Diwan discuss about giving lessons in Nubian language

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين جلسة عنيبة 2012

The wonderful Nubian poet Tareq Salah al-Din, sings one of his poems at an artistic session in 2012

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين 2012

The wonderful Nubian poet Tarek Salah El-Din sings at an artistic gathering, 2012

احدث اغانى الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين 2012

The latest songs of the wonderful Nubian poet Tarek Salah El-Din in 2012

الفنانون الرائعون خضر العطار وسيد اسماعيل قرتي وطارق صلاح الدين يغنون "أسمر اللون" في حفل في الثمانينيات.

The wonderful Artists Khidhir El Atter, Seid Ismail Qurty and Tareq Salah Eldin sing "Asmar El Lona" at an event in Ibrim

الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين الجزء1

The great Artist Ghazi Said sings poems of the regretted wonderful Poet Tareq Salah Eldin - Part 1

مدحه نوبيه احدث اعمال الشاعر النوبى طارق صلاح الدين 2012

"Medha Nubia", the latest work of the wonderful Nubian poet Tarek Salah El-Din, 2012

جزيرة المرجان والشاعر طارق صلاح والشاعر احمد عيسي تسجيل اوتاشو حلفا

Discussion between Nubian Poets Tareq Salah Eldin and Poet Ahmed Eissa on Murjan Island, by Otasho

لقاء علي اذاعة كدنتكار مع الشاعر الفنان الراحل المقيم طارق صالح الدين الوكيل تقديم فادي عثمان

An interview on Radio Kadentkar with the late artist-resident Tariq Saleh Al-Din Al-Wakeel, presented by Fadi Othman

(كوري يونيغا) سيد ابراهيم

The outstanding Artist Seid Ibrahim Qurty sings, plays, and composed "Kore Younniga", a poem of the great regretted Poet Tareq Salah Eldin

الفنان سيد ابراهيم سمرغة من جاكرنكى

The outstanding Artist Seid Ibrahim Qurty sings, plays, and composed "Samraga Min Jakirinke, a poem of the great regretted Poet Tareq Salah Eldin

عديلة دوي أيجا نوج أونا_الكروان غازي سعيد في جلسات فنيه مع احلي شباب وليلة حسونة العمدة

The great Artist Ghazi Said sings "Adile Dawwi Einna", on a poem of the great Poet Tareq Salah Eldin and a meldoy composed by the brilliant composer and artist Seid Ibrahim Qurty

طبع الحمام الفنان غازى سعيد كروان النوبه

The great Artist Ghazi Said sings the "Tabaa Al Hamam" (the Doves), a poem written and melody composed by the brilliant Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin

غازي سعيد/اغنية نوبية

The great Artist Ghazi Said sings "Henina", a poem written by the brilliant Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin, who also plays the Oud

نقونا نقونا الكروان النوبى غازى سعيد صوت النوبة

The great Artist Ghazi Said sings "Nogona Nogona", a poem written by the brilliant Poet and Artist Tareq Salah Eldin, who also plays the Oud

ارون فنو كوكاني - احمد اسماعيل وزكريات ولولى

The great Artists Ahmed Ismail and Zikrayat Welwele sing "Ergon Fannano Kokkani ", a wonderful love poem written by the brilliant Poet Tareq Salah Eldin on a melody composed by the wonderful Musician and Artist Seid Ibrahim Qurty

أحمد إسماعيل - دنياغا أونجيكوغا

The great Artist Ahmed Ismail sings "Dounyaga Ya Onyilkouga", on a poem by the brilliant Poet Tareq Salah Eldin

DK532 خضر العطار - تاللو إككاكوولو

The great regretted Nubian Artist Khidhir El-Attar sings "Tallo Eirkakolo", on a poem written and melody composed by the brilliant Poet Tareq Salah Aldin

سيكر أشريا عاصم ختام( مونتاج خاص باقناة انغام نوبية)

"Sikkir Ashriya" by the creative Artist Assem Khatam on a poem of the brilliant Poet Tareq Salah Eldin (Editing for the Nubian Angham Channel)

جديد 3 الفنان عيسى تميم أغنية الغربة

The great Nubian Artist Eissa Tamim sings "Ghurba" (Expatriation), a poem by the brilliant Poet Tareq Salah Aldin