Ascolta le eccitanti canzoni Nubiane

Affascinanti canzoni Nubiane, musica, musicisti, danza "Aragid", grandi maestri della canzone nubiana, artisti nubiani contemporanei, stelle nascenti della canzone nubiana

Abdelmajid Munawar - عبد المجيد منور

Il grande artista e musicista Abdelmajid Munawar è nato da una famiglia di artisti nel villaggio di Koya, nella regione nubiana di Mahas nel nord Sudan. Fin dalla prima infanzia gli piaceva cantare, tanto più che sua madre cantava tutte le canzoni dei famosi musicisti dell'epoca, a cominciare dall'ottimo Mohammed Wardy. La sua voce è stata riconosciuta e apprezzata sin da quando era alle elementari. Abdelmajid ha anche sviluppato le sue abilità suonando il Tanbour, la tradizionale lira nubiana a 5 accordi, e l'oud, con cui accompagna tutte le sue canzoni.

Dopo il completamento dei suoi studi, Abdelmajid Munawar - o Majid Munawar - andò in seguito a lavorare in Arabia Saudita, dove molti altri artisti, poeti e musicisti nubiani si incontravano regolarmente e producevano eccellente opere artistiche. Gli piace collaborare con altre grandi icone dell'arte nubiana e compone le sue canzoni con il contributo di altri artisti, musicisti e poeti, come il fantastico Poeta Ezz Eldin Abuzeid e il meraviglioso artista in assoluto, poeta, musicista, compositore e cantante Mekki Alì Idris.

Molte delle canzoni di Abdelmajid Munawar espongono senza paura le lamentele dei nubiani, come la tristezza per l'annegamento di molti villaggi nubiani dopo la costruzione della diga di Assuan, lo spostamento in luoghi desertici, l'incendio doloso delle loro palme e la repressione dei manifestanti nubiani sotto gli ex governi sudanese ed egiziano, nonché l'abbandono da parte dei giovani nubiani della loro bellissima lingua, costumi e valori etici. Tuttavia, canta anche bellissime canzoni d'amore e canzoni in onore della madre. È particolarmente riconoscente a sua madre, che è esperta di lingua nubiana, e spesso le chiede consiglio quando usa parole nubiane poco conosciute nelle sue canzoni. Abdelmajeed Munawar può certamente essere considerato fra i più grandi artisti nubiani.

أغنية رائعة "إير اوجله فايه" غناها الفنان الكبير عبد المجيد منور ، كتبها وألحانها الشاعر والملحن الممتاز عزالدين أبو زيد ، احتفالاً بدخول أشعة الشمس إلى أقدس ضريح بمعبد رمسيس في أبو سمبل ، يوم 22 فبراير. و 22 أكتوبر من كل عام.

Wonderful song "Eir ogla faye" sung by the great Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar, written and composed by the excellent Poet and Composer Ezz Eldin Abuzeid, in celebration of the sun's entry into the holiest shrine of Ramses Temple in Abu Simbel on 22nd Februray and 22nd October every year.

مأساة حلفا بابور كوسونا للدكتور مصطفي عبدالقادر مشاركة مجيد منور

The great Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar sings "Babur Kusuna", the famous song written and composed by Dr. Mustafa Abdel Qader about the tragic displacement of the Nubians after the construction of the Aswan High Dam

Nobiin Dore Kolod دوقي قيلي كلمات الشاعر الفاتح شرف الدين ألحام الهرم النوبي مكي علي إدريس

The creative Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar sings "Doge Gele", a new beautiful song of January 2022 written by Poet Al Fateh Sheref Aldin composed by the wonderful musician, artist and poet Mekki Ali Isris, with vocals by artists Fedwa Mohammed and Hassan Omar - Arabic translation by Poet Ahmed Eissa, lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK581 مجيد منور - إركونجا ألغوموننا

DK581 The talented Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar sings "Eirki Ouniga Algimounna" composed by himself on a poem by Kelis Aboutaha supervised by the great Poet Mekki Ali Idris, translated into Arabic by Poet Ahmed Eissa - Lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK200 عبد المجيد منور - إر أوغلا فايي سمووسا

DK200 The great Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar sings "Eir Ogla Faye Ya Semmosa" written and composed by the wonderful Poet and Composer Ezz Eldin Abuzeid and supervised by the creative Poet Mekki Ali Idris - Lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

مجيد منور مسكي تا أونا

The great Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar sings "Masky Ta Ounna", written and composed by the wonderful musician, poet and artist Mekki Ali Idris

كجبار - آقجنا اورقناني

The creative Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar sings "Kajbar", written and composed by the wonderful musician, poet and artist Mekki Ali Idris, about a suppressed demonstration by the Nubians against the construction of a further dam in the Nile river

تكون جاقتمي وييكا

The creative Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar sings "Takun Jagtami Weka", written and composed by Poet Abdallah Wad Al-Omdeh

الفنان عبد المجيد منور

Another beautiful Nubian song sung by the great Artist Abdelmajeed Munawar

الفنان عبد المجيد منور

The talented Artist and composer Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings his song "Tina", written by the young Poet Siyam Ibrahim,

جمن تِمنجــــــــــــــسنا❤،، عبد المجيد منور،، أشعار وألحان الاستاذ مكــــــــــي علي إدريس

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Jamman Timinji Sana", a beautiful love song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Mekki Ali Idris

أغنية نوبن فنتي للشاعر عبدالله ودالعمده ألحان مجيد منور موسيقي هابش كبيورد وجمال يورتسودان هندسه صوت

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar composed and sings "Nobin Fenti", written by Poet Abdallah Wad Al-Omdeh, about Nubian palm tree plantations being burned down by arsonists in an attempt to displace the Nubians from their lands.

عبد المجيد منور . أغنية نوبية . طنبور أ. مكي علي إدريس . عود محمد السمري.

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings a Nubian song accompanied on the tanbour (Nubian Lyra) by the talented Musician Mekki Ali Idris and on the oud (Lute) by Mohammed El-Samri

تِــــــــــــــيينا💞 الحان واداء عبد المجيد منور،، اشعار صيام،،، توزيع.. سيف ليكو...

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings and composed the song "Tina" written by the young Poet Siyam Ibrahim

اغنية محسية.. ناي قة ييا .. مجيد منور .. عود وطنبور

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Naiga Yaa", accompanied with the tanbour by Asad Sabra and with the oud by Mohammed Al-Samry

مجيد منور وسيدون في ووو يوو

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings and composed "Woo Yoo" (Oh my mother)

الفنان السودانى مجيد منور/ اراوجله فاى

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Eir Ogla Faye" written and composed by the excellent Poet and Composer Ezz Eldin Abuzeid, to celebrate the illumination by sunrays of Pharaoh Ramses II's statue in the sacrest shrine or the great Temple of Abu Simbel, twice a year - on his birthday and crowning anniversary

إركوني إركون قلقمو

The outstanding Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings and composed "Arkuni Irkunqalqamoun", on a poem by Poet Kelis Abou Taha, under the supervision of the great Poet and Artist Mekki Ali Idris

عبد المجيد منور "جمن تمنجسنا"

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings his song "Jamman Timinjisana", a beautiful song written and composed by the great Poet Mekki Ali Idris

شربي وو مانج

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings his song "Sherbi woo Manyi", a song for the mother

بلال يابلال (أغنية الزفه النوبيه)

The outstanding Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Bilal Yabilal", on a poem and melody by the wonderful Poet, Musician and Artist Mekki Ali Idris

الفنان النــــوبي عبـد المجيـــــد منــــــور والعازف باســـــــم

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings a Nubian song during a session with Omdurman Awad TV

أغنية نوبية بصوت الفنان/ عبد المجيد منور .. برنامج سهرانين على قناة السودان 24 الآن

The famous Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Asmar El Lona" on the TV program Sahranin on Sudan 24 now

الكــــروان النـــ عبــدالمجيـــد منــــــور ـــــوبي و العازف باســــــم

The famous Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings a Nubian song during a program with Omdurman Awad TV

مجيد منور جقجي النيل الأزرق

The famous Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Woo Massto" during the TV program "Masa Gedid"

مجيد منور تيينه

The outstanding Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar composed and sings "Tina", on a poem by Poet Siam Ibrahim

مجيد منور نوبن فنتي

The outstanding Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar composed and sings "Nubin Fenti", on a poem by Poet Abdallah Wad Al-Omdeh, and a video showing the destruction of Nubian palm trees burned on purpose by arsonists in an attempt to displace the Nubians from their lands.

مكي علي ادريس&مجيد منور

The wonderful Artists Mekki Ali Idris and Abd Elmajeed Munawar sing together during a beautiful artistic gathering

مكي علي ادريس&مجيد منور

Rehersal by the great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar of the song "Eir Ogla Faye", written and composed by the wonderful Poet Ezz Eldin Abuzeid, supervised by the great Musician Mekki Ali Idris

مجيد منور ونبيل منور وسيدون،،، ياملاك

The veteran Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar and Nabil Munawar sing "Ya Malak", a song by Mohammed Wardy, during a beautiful artistic session with Nabil Munawar and Seidun

مكي ومجيد وتامر بروفه علي ابوننقا

The skilled Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar during a rehersal of the song "Ali Abu Ninga", with the great Musician, Artist and Poet Mekki Ali Idris, and Tamer


The experienced Musician and Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings and plays a new Nubian song, 20. January 2022


The experienced Musician and Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings and plays on the oud his song Arkuni Irkunqalqamou, written by Poet Kelis Abou Taha

إركون مالو

The experienced Musician and Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings and plays on the oud his song "Irkun Malu" during an artistic session

دولقدن أيلا جتالوق ويرا

The great Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar and Yousef Kheiry sing "Dolgidin Awayla Nagas Wera", written and composed by the wonderful Artist Mekki Ali Idris, during a special artistic gathering

بابور كوسونا

The wonderful Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar and Yousef Kheiry sing with deep feelings "Babur Kusuna", written and composed by the famous Poet Dr. Mustafa Abdelqader, during a special artistic gathering

بابه جلسة الحاج يوسف

The creative Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar and Yousef Kheiry sing a nostalgic song about Old Nubia during a wonderful artistic gathering

يانسيم بالله أشكيلو مجيد منور

The great Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar and Yousef Kheiry sing "Yanasim Ballah Ashkilu", an old traditional song

مجيد منور

The astounding Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar reherses one of his new Nubian songs during an artistic gathering

كريمه مجيد عود

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings a new song

الفنانان الكبيران مكي علي إدريس وعبدالمجيد منور يغنيان أغنية لتشجيع الناس على متابعة متطلبات فيروس كورونا

The great Artists Mekki Ali Idris and Abd Elmajeed Munawar sing a song encouraging people to follow the Corona virus requirements

لفنان عبد المجيد منوّر

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar reherses his song "Arkuni Irkunqalqamoun" written by Poet Keles Abu Taha

نبيل منور ومجيد منور وعمر سيدون، في رائعة شنان

The great Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar, Nabil Munawar and Omar Sidoun sing a song by Shanan during an artistic gathering

الفنان النوبي عبد المجيد منور

The great Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar sing a Nubian song during an artistic gathering

النشيد النوبي بمناسبة الاحتفال باليوم النوبي العالمي بصوت الفنان/ عبد المجيد منور .. برنامج سهرانين

The creative Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings the Nubian anthem on the occasion of the celebration of the International Nubian Day

المبدع عبدالمجيد منور ...لو لو

The creative Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Lo Lo"

الثنائي عبدالمجيد ونبيل منور

The great Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar and Nabil Munawar sing "Babur Kusuna"

الفنان النوبي عبد المجيد منور

The great Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings a Nubian song during an artistic gathering

جلسة الرياض مع النوبيين لتوثيق الفنان عبد المجيد منور

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings "Eir Ogla Faye" in a rehersal with the outstanding Poet and Composer of the song, Ezz Eldin Abuzeid, and the great Poet Mekki Ali Idris

مجيد منور نايقييا كامله

The great Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar plays and sings "Naikiya", a song written and composed by the regretted famous Artist and Musician Mohammed Wardy

الفنان عبد المجيد منور - مساء جديد - قناة النيل الازرق

The creative Artists Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings an Arabic song during a TV interview by Blue Nile Channel

عبدالمجيد منور - انا بعشقك اغنية شايقية

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings the Arabic song "Ana Bashqek"

المطرب النوبي مجيد/ عبد المجيد منور صباحك مالو خليل فرح

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings a Sudanese song in Arabic during a TV show

زمانك والهوى.. عود السمري ..مجيد منور

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar sings the song "Zamanek u alhawa"

عبد المجيد منور

The great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar explains the original Nubian music instrument, the "Tanbour", during an artistic gathering

من برنامج (ونسة علي خفيف) مع الفنان النوبي مجيد منور في ضيافة محمد شريف طاهر

Interview with the great Artist Abd Elmajeed Munawar in the TV program "Wense Ala Khafif" hosted by Mohamed Sharif Taher from Riyadh / Saudi Arabia