Ascolta le eccitanti canzoni Nubiane

Affascinanti canzoni Nubiane, musica, musicisti, danza "Aragid", grandi maestri della canzone nubiana, artisti nubiani contemporanei, stelle nascenti della canzone nubiana

Ashraf Bek - اشرف بيك

Ashraf Bek, secondo il soprannome che gli diede la sua famiglia, è un rinomato artista e musicista nubiano del villaggio di artisti di Abou Simbel, nato e residente ad Alessandria. Durante i suoi studi in Nubia, e ispirato dal grande maestro della canzone nubiana Mohammed Wardy, e dai numerosi artisti , poeti, compositori e musicisti di Abu Simbel, Ashraf Bek imparò a suonare la tastiera e la scatola ritmica, divenne il primo organista ad Alessandria e suonava e cantava con tutti gli artisti nubiani.

Dopo essersi sposato ed essere diventato padre di due figli, e aver iniziato a lavorare presso la Corte di Alessandria per il Ministero della Giustizia, Ashraf Bek ha lasciato le sue attività artistiche per 17 anni. Tuttavia, come la maggior parte degli artisti e studiosi nubiani, ha osservato il calo dell'interesse e della conoscenza della lingua nubiana, principalmente nella giovane generazione proveniente da famiglie nubiane sfollate dalle loro terre a causa della costruzione della diga di Assuan nel 1964.

Essendo le canzoni il mezzo migliore per risvegliare l'interesse dei giovani nubiani per la loro lingua antica e bella, e per promuoverla e preservarla, Ashraf Bek decise di ricominciare a cantare. Incoraggiato anche dal Dr. Hassan Nour, che ha creato il meraviglioso sito web Nobiin Dore Kolod scrivendo i testi delle canzoni nubiane e traducendoli spesso , e dal meraviglioso compositore, musicista, poeta e artista canoro Seid Ibrahim Qurty, che ha scritto e composto canzoni per lui, Ashraf Bek è tornato sulla scena artistica, accolto calorosamente e applaudito da un vasto pubblico entusiasta.

Fedeli alla tradizione nubiana, le canzoni di Ashraf Bek contengono un saggio messaggio alla gente e si concentrano sui costumi e le tradizioni nubiane, sulla patria, sulla società nubiana e sulle sue parentele, interazioni e detti. Oltre alle sue produzioni artistiche creative, il meraviglioso artista Ashraf Bek ha anche formato e produce la sua compagnia di danza tradizionale nubiana "Araghid", che aggiunge eccitazione e un'atmosfera fantastica alle sue esibizioni.

DK668 أشرف بيك وشوقى برون - مسامينامى

The great Artists Ashraf Bek and Shawqy Boron sing their latest song "Masamennamme", written and composed by the fabulous artist, musician, poet and composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty, with lyrics in Nubian and Arabic translation translation Nobiin Dore Kolod

الفنان الرائع أشرف بك ، بفرقته الراقصة الممتازة "عراجيد" ، يغني "أوكي ماليركا" ، على قصيدة ولحن من تأليف الفنان والموسيقي والشاعر والملحن اللامع سيد إبراهيم قرتي - حفل الإسكندرية 13 يوليو 2021

The wonderful Artist Ashraf Bek, with his excellent "Arageed" dance troupe, sings "Oukki Mallerka", on a poem and melody created by the brilliant Artist, Musician, Poet and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty - Alexandria Concert 13 July 2021

الفنان اشرف بك من حفل نادي المجد الرياضي بالاسكندريه بمركز شباب الشلالات

The outstanding artist Ashraf Bek sings "Woo Nor" and "Al Nebi Salat Ouayga" with his astounding "Arageed" dance troupe, at a concert for the Al-Majd Sports Club party in Alexandria at the Waterfall Youth Center

جزء 8 حفله المؤسسه المصريه للتنميه بين الشعوب / الفنان اشرف بيك / حفله 2021 بالاسكندريه /#احمدكانو

The great Artist Ashraf Bek sings the famous Nubian song "Adila", written and composed by the outstanding Artist, Poet and Musician Mekki Ali Idris, and the song "Dunya Ashriya Innini", written by the great Poet Mohammed Omar Taha and composed by the late Master Khidhir El Attar, as well as his famous song "Fakhour Ana" at a concert of the Egyptian Foundation for the Development of Peoples / in Alexandria / #Ahmedkano

جزء 7 ♡ الفنان اشرف بيك ♡ حفله المؤسسه المصريه للتنمية المصريه بين الشعوب ♕ حفله اسكندريه ♡#احمدكانو

♡ The wonderful Artist Ashraf Bek, with his excellent "Arageed" dance troupe, sings "Oukki Mallerka", on a poem and melody created by the brilliant Artist, Musician, Poet and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty ♡ The Egyptian Foundation for Egyptian Development among the Peoples ♕ Alexandria Concert ♡ #Ahmedkano

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK646 أشرف بيك - توجينتانى

Song "Touwidjintani" sung by the great Artist Ashraf Bek, written and composed by the brilliant Artist, Musician, Composer and Poet Seid Ibrahim Qurty; translation into Arabic by the great Poet Ahmed Eissa, lyrics in Nubian and English translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK635 أشرف بيك - أوكى ماليكام آق أوكى

The wonderful Artist Ashraf Bek sings "Oukki Mallerka", on a poem and melody composed by the extraordinary Artist, Musician, Composer and Poet Seid Ibrahim Qurty, lyrics in Nubian and Arabic translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

الفنان اشرف بيك /الفنان عاصم ختام في جلسه فنية

ِThe heart warming Artist Ashraf Bek and the creative Artist and Musician Assem Khitam sing the famous song "Adila", written and composed by Artist and Poet Mekki Ali Idris, in a cheerful artistic session

الفنان اشرف بيك /الفنان عاصم ختام في جلسه فنية اغسطس 2021

The great Artist and Musician Ashraf Bek and the ingenious Artist and Musician Assem Khitam sing "Ya Malak" in an artistic session - with a young future Artist captivated by their art

الفنان والموسيقي الكبير أشرف بك يلعب ويغني أغنية جديدة مع تلميذه الشاب الفنان المستقبلي سعد - المنغمس بالكامل في الأغنية! - نوفمبر 2021

The experienced Artist and Musician Ashraf Bek plays and sings a new song, with his young student, the artist of the future, Sa'ed - who is entirely immersed in the song! - November 2021

الفنان والموسيقي الكبير أشرف بك يلعبالفنان الكبير أشرف بك يغني في حفل مع فرقة الرقص الرائعة "عراجيد" "فضلوس" - نوفمبر 2021

The great Artist Ashraf Bek sings at a concert with his wonderful "Arageed" dance troupe "Fadhlous"

لفنان اشرف بيك /الفنان عاصم ختام في جلسه فنية اغسطس 24 يوليو 2021

The wonderful Artist and Musician Ashraf Bek and the inventive Artist and Musician Assem Khitam sing a Sudandese song during an artistic gathering, 24 July 2021

الفنان والموسيقي الكبير أشرف بك يغني ويعزف أغنية سودانية ، 22 نوفمبر 2020

The great Artist and Musician Ashraf Bek sings and plays a Sudanese song, 22 November 2020

الفنانان والموسيقيان الكبيران أشرف بك ومحمد سعد يغنيان خلال جلسة فنية ، ديسمبر 2020

The great Artist Ashraf Bek sings accompanied by the talented Musician Mohammed Saad during an artistic session, December 2020

الفنان الكبير أشرف بك يغني برفقة الموسيقار الكبير محمد سعد خلال إحالة ، ديسمبر 2020

The great Artist Ashraf Bek sings accompanied by the talented Musician Mohammed Saad during a rehersal, December 2020