استمع إلى الأغاني النوبية المثيرة

اغاني, موسيكا, الملحنون والموسيقيون, الاراجيد, اساتذة عظماء الأغنية النوبية, فنانون نوبيون معاصرون الكبار, النجوم الصاعدة للأغنية النوبية

Ikrami Ismail - اكرامي اسماعيل

Ikrami Ismail is a young talented Nubian artist from the village of Ibrim. He accompanies his songs skillfully playing the keyboard himself. Ikrami Ismail also writes and composes songs for other Artists, such as Ahmed Kurdi and Hassan Abu Ras

Ikrami Ismail mainly sings and plays poems written and melodies composed by the great poet Ezz Eldin Abuzeid from Abu Simbel, but he also started writing and composing his own songs.

In pure Nubian tradition, Ikrami likes to sing in artistic gatherings, sharing with other artists and with his delighted admirers.

"إبريم" غناها الفنان النوبي الشاب الموهوب إكرامي إسماعيل

The latest Nubian song written and composed by the great poet Ezz Eldin Abuzeid, sung by the talented young Artist Ikrami Ismail, 2020

لقاء شيق في كافيه لويندا بفيصل مع الفنان/اكرامي اسماعيل ابن ابريم .

The talented Artist Ikrami Ismail von Ibrim sings "Min Dari Molangokkani", a song written and composed by the brilliant Artist, Musician and Composer Seid Ibrahim Qurty, at Café Luenda Faisal

"إبريم" غناها الفنان النوبي الشاب الموهوب إكرامي إسماعيل

"Ibrim", sung by the talented young Nubian Artist Ikrami Ismail, by the Nubian Melodies Channel

يستمع الشاعر النوبي اللامع عز الدين أبو زيد للفنان الكبير إكرامي إسماعيل الذي يغني قصيدته ولحنه "جم ميرنغوناني" التي غناها سابقا الفنان المشهور المرحوم خضر العطار. تسجيل اوتاشو حلفا

The brilliant Nubian poet and composer Ezz El-Din Abu Zeid listens to the great artist Ikrami Ismail, who sings his poem and melody "Gem Miringonani", which was previously sung by the late famous artist, Khader Al-Attar. Recording by Otasho Halfa

سهرة من الخرج مع الرائع اكرامي اسماعيل ومع طارق صلاح الدين تسجيل اوتاشو حلفا

An evening from Al-Kharj with the wonderful Akrami Ismail and with Tariq Salah El-Din, recording Utasho Halfa

Nobiin Dore Kolod Dk536 إكرامى إسماعيل - أيلى أدويس إننانجونى

Song "Ayli Adwise Einnangoni" sung by Artist Ikrami Ismail, written and composed by the brilliant Poet Ezz Eldin Abuzed; lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK578 إكرامى إسماعيل - غوررانانجووسونا

Song "Gourrandangosona" sung by Artist Ikrami Ismail, written and composed by the wonderful Poet Ezz Eldin Abuzed; lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

Nobiin Dore Kolod DK536b إكرامى إسماعيل - أيلى أدويسيه

Song "Ayli Adwise" sung by Artist Ikrami Ismail, written and composed by the wonderful Poet Ezz Eldin Abuzed; lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

الفنان النوبي اكرامي قناة شمندورة TV

The great Artist Ikrami Ismail performs for the Shamandoura TV channel

(احدث الاغانى ) كلمات والحان اكرامى اسماعيل /توزيع وغناء احمد كردى ابن ابريم

A song written and composed by the great Artist Ikrami Ismail, sung by Ahmed Kurdy from Ibrim

سهرة نوبية مع الرائع اكرامي اسماعيل ابريم بالرياض تصوير اوتاشو حلفا

A Nubian evening with the wonderful Artist Akrami Ismail Ibrim in Riyadh, recorded by Utasho Halfa

افراح ابريم وعنيبه الفنان النوبي اكرامي اسماعيل زعربانه

Artist Ikrami Ismail sings at a wedding in Ibrim and Eniba

الفنان إكرامي إسماعيل يغني في تجمع فني في إبريم مع المعجبين الشباب المتحمسين.

Artist Ikrami Ismail sings at an artistic gathering in Ibrim with his enthousiastic young admirers

يديو كليب لأغنية الفنان إكرامي إسماعيل "أيلي أدويس" على قصيدة من تأليف ولحن الفنان النوبي الرائع عز الدين أبوزيد.

Video clip for Artist Ikrami Ismail's song "Ayli Adwice" on a poem written and melody composed by the wonderful Nubian artist Ezz Eldin Abuzeid

