Un regard sur la littérature nubienne

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Hussein Jaser - حسين جاسر

Hussein Jaser est né dans la vieille Nubie, dans le village de "Genine u Shabak", entouré de palmiers et de nature verdoyante et nourri par le Nil, un village qui a produit plusieurs grands artistes, parmi lesquels le grand poète Ramadhan Al-Shorbaji. Depuis sa jeunesse, il adore les chansons nubiennes et mémorise les chansons traditionnelles ainsi que les mélodies des grands artistes nubiens de son temps.

Depuis les années 1960, Husein Jaser a écrit des poèmes magnifiques et significatifs, et a composé des mélodies inspirantes reliant la chanson traditionnelle nubienne à l'ère de la chanson artistique, ce qui lui a valu le titre de "Sindbad de la parole"; beaucoup d'entre elles sont encore chantés aujourd'hui par divers artistes.

Selon les mots du brillant artiste, musicien, compositeur et poète nubien Seid Ibrahim Qurthy: «Le poète Hussein Gasser a créé des mélodies et des œuvres d'art merveilleuses caractèrisèes par la crèativitè et le renouvellement constant, et c'ètait quelque chose de nouveau et d'innovant à l'èpoque en utilisant un simple et beau vocabulaire. "

Le brillant poète et compositeur Hussein Jaser est cèlèbrè en tant que grand maître de la poèsie et de la composition nubiennes, et ses œuvres d'art ont ètè chantèes par la plupart des artistes cèlèbres de son temps, y compris les regrettès Khidhir El-Attar, Saber Asker, Selim Shaarawy, Seid Jamal, Saleh Abbas, Abdallah Bata, ainsi que Adil Bata, Fikry Al-Kashef, Farah Almasry, Al Balabil, et également Fethy Khalil and Fahmy Abdel Khaleq. Plusieurs des chansons de Hussein Jaser - comme la célèbre chanson "Shamandoura" - sont chantées par l'artiste de renommée internationale Mohammed Mounir, et le grand artiste regretté Ahmed Mounib ainsi qu'Abdelrahim Mansour ont écrit des paroles en arabe sur certaines de ses mélodies.

DK629 فتحى خليل - الليليه واكيقا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Nubian Artist Fathy Khalil sings "Waqiqa", a poem by the skilled Poet Husein Jaser, accompanied by Artist Nabil Fethy - with lyrics in Nubian writing by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK1b صالح عباس - وو نور نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Nubian Artist Saleh Abbas sings "Woo Nor Awidos Ayga", a poem and melody by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian and Arabic translation by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK597 سيد جمال - أيغا سامحوسيممى نوبيين دوري كولود

The famous late Nubian Artist Seid Jamal sings "Ayga Samahosemmi", a poem and melody by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK571 عادل باطا - غلطانا نوبيين دوري كولود

The renowned Artist Adil Bata and his late Father the great Artist Abdallah Bata sing "Galtana Galtana", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK540 سيد جمال - تالليه وللا أيلى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Seid Jamal sings "Tarle Walla Ayli", on a poem written by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK535 عادل باطا - شمندورة نوبيين دوري كولود

The renowned Artist Adil Bata and his late Father Abdallah Bata sing "Shamandoura", a famous song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK198 سيد سرى - إر نالونا وو ديسيتو نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Saber Askar and Seid Sirri sing "Eirli Nalona Woo Dessitod", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK183 سيد جمال - غورريديه وو أننينجيتوو نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Seid Jamal sings "Gourrede Woo Aynengitod", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK174 سيد جمال - أوددووسيه نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Seid Jamal sings "Odosse Ayli Odosse", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK157 سليم شعراوى - سيكير سيكير تايا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Sikkira.. Sikkira Tarya", another song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK151 سليم شعراوى - إلليننا يا أيليننا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Eirlinna Ya Aylinna", another song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK139 فكرى كاشف - أسمر شيريدتوو نوبيين دوري كولود

The great Artist Fikry Kashef and Khalil Abdo Saber sing "Asmar Shiridto", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK135 سليم شعراوى - على النبى صلينا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Ala El Nebi Sallena", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser - from traditional Nubian folklore, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK133 جمال شريف - دولغد أوونى خسارنجا داففونا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Jamal Sherif sings "Dolgid Ounni Khasaranga Daffona", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK130 جمال شريف - أغووريدتامى دولغيد أونجا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Jamal Sherif sings "Agoridtamme Dolgid Ouniga", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK117 سليم شعراوى - أيغاليه وو أنيتوو نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Aygale Woo Annitod", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK112 سليم شعراوى - أسلادا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Aslada Ya Nas", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK103 عبدالله باطا - أللا يسادو نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Abdallah Bata sings "Allah Isadou Woo Engar-Ouni", on a poem by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser and a melody composed by late Artist Seid Tawfiq, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK98 حسن جزولى - وو يويوتو نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Hassan Jazouli sings "Woo Yoyo Aylogo Galitod", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK84 فرح المصرى - دنيان أحوال نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Farah Elmasry sings "Dounyan Ahwali Adjeba", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK57 سليم شعراوى - أيلانتو صبريه نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Selim Shaarawy sings "Hoy Woo Aylanto Sabre", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK52 صالح عباس - أسلادا نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Saleh Abbas sings "Aslada Ya Nas Aslada", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian and translation into Arabic and English by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK34 صالح عباس - أيكوغ إر موغونى نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Saleh Abbas sings "Aykog Ir Mougoni", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

DK1 صالح عباس - وو نور نوبيين دوري كولود

The great late Artist Saleh Abbas sings "Woo Nor Awidos Ayga", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, with lyrics in Nubian by Nobiin Dore Kolod

اغاني نوبية تراث والفنان سيد سري

The Nubian Artist Seid Sari sings "Eirli Nalona Woo Dessitod", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, now part of the Nubian Heritage

محمد منير - شمندورة

The famous Artist Mohammed Mounir sings "Shamandoura", the famed song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser

الفنان النوبى فرح المصرى / اغنية دونيانحوال / كلمات والحان حسين جاسر /مع تحيات نغم النوبة

The Nubian Artist Farah Al-Masry / Donyan Hawl's song / Words and Music by Hussein Jasser / Greetings from the Nubian Melody

ذكري الفنان- عبداللة باطا

The famous Artist Adel Bata sings during festivities in honor of his late Father, Abdallah Bata, a beautiful song composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser

فرقة ارتى نوبه RT NUBA BAND MUSIC اغنية اسمر شيريتو حفلة جمعية النهضة النوبية

The Nubian Music Group "Arty" sings "Asmar Sheridto", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser

محمد منير ,, نالونا ,, نوبي

The famous Artist Mohamed Mounir sings "Nalona", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser

اغنية نوبية البلابل - صبري

The famous three sisters Al Balabil sing "Hoy Woo Aylanto Sabre", a song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser

الفنان النوبي فرح المصري نالونا

The great Artist Farah Elmasry sings "Nalona", the beautiful song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser

الفنان النوبي فرح المصري نالونا

The great Artist Adil Bata and others sing "Galtane Galtane", a famous song written and composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser, during an artistic gathering

محمدمنير والشتا دويتو مع حسين الامام

The famous Artist Mohammed Mounir sings "Al Shita'" together with Hussein Al-Imam, composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser

محمد منير _ الكون كله بيدور _ جوده عاليه HD

The famous Artist Mohammed Mounir sings "El Kon Kullu Bidur", composed by the wonderful Poet Husein Jaser